Preview : Essence Counting Stars LE

Reach for the stars! The sky shines in a purple blue, the stars sparkle and the sound of last night’s party still echoes softly in the distance. From December 2017 to mid January 2018, the new trend edition “counting stars” by essence whisks you away to the big city and its dreamy atmosphere at dawn. The sparkling beauty pieces with shimmer effects and star prints are inspired by that special moment when night turns into day. 
5 razlogov, zakaj imam rada jesen

Pozdravljene, lepotičke !
Tokrat sem se odločila da napišemo malo bolj drugačno objavo, ki ni povezana ne z kozmetiko ne z make up-om, saj bi rada malenkost popestrila moje dogajanje na blogu, prav tako sem se odločila, da bom objave večinoma pisala raje v slovenščini in si tako povečala krog slovenskih bralk, medtem ko bo moja instagram stran ostala v angleščini.
Sama sem velika ljubiteljica poletja, namakanja v morju ali bazenu in večernega pohajkovanja po mestu ter lahkotnih večerih. Verjamem pa, da je v vsakem letnem času nekaj lepega in očarljivega, sem se z vami odločila deliti mojih pet razlogov, zakaj morate imeti radi jesen.
Preview : Catrice Kaviar Gauche LE

Kaviar Gauche is one of the most popular fashion labels in Germany and is best known for its romantic wedding dresses. CATRICE is collaborating with Kaviar Gauche for the third time and has created exclusive products and beauty tools within the framework of this collaboration. A professional brush collection consisting of four high-quality brushes with synthetic bristles and a brush bag is complemented by a golden highlighter and a harmoniously coordinated eye shadow palette.
Preview : Eseence Made to Sparkle LE

Leave a little sparkle wherever you go! In November 2017, the brand essence is continuing to celebrate its 15th birthday year with the new trend edition “made to sparkle” – with products for the ultimate glam factor. On board: metallic as well as glittering effects and prism shades to ensure absolutely breathtaking party make-up.