Review : Catrice new products spring/summer 2016

Hello, beauties !
The easter is over, so finally the time for a new post about catrice new products. Catrice also launched very interesting new products this spring, so I bought few pieces like new eyeshadow palette, new blush palette, new highlighter and new cream contouring palette. 
My blog post about essence new products is also available HERE !


This palette was on top of the my wishlist of catrice new products since I saw the preview. 
It contains such a lovely nude colors with one peachy color, which looks so fresh and I think this shade is something special in this palette.
I`m not a quite big fan of catrice eyeshadow palettes, but this palette is so easy to work with.

This palette contains six shades, they are mattes and shimmers. You have three lighter shades with one peachy shade and three darker brown shades. The palette is nicely pigmented, it dusts a little bit and it has a little bit color payoff.The texture is silky soft and buttery. 
The little double sided brush is also included, but I don`t really like it. Eyeshadows are super blendable  and really so easy to work with, they are great even for the beginners.

With this palette you can create a little bit fresh looking daily mae up look. I use one of the lightest shades on the whole eyelid, second lightest brown shade I`m applying to the crease, one of the darkest shades is great for the outer corner of the eye, the peachy shade I`m using in the inner half of the eye.

Shades stay on the eyes quite a whle day, but you must use a good primer before. I`m using my beloved avon primer and it works really well. But still at he end of the day I noticed a little bit smudging.

SLO : 
Ta paletka je bila na vrhu nakupovalnega seznama že odkar sem jo videla v predogledu. Vsebuje tako krasne nude odtenke, primerne za vsak dan z dodanim breskvastim odtenkom, ki je zame nekaj posebnega v tej paletki. Sicer nisem ravno oboževalka catrice palet senčil, ampak ta je res enostavna za uporabljanje, celo za začetnice.

Paletka vsebuje šest odtenkov, ki so mešanica mat in svetlečih odtenkov. V paletki so trije svetli odtenki z breskvastim odtenkom in trije temenejši rjavi odtenki. Paletka je krasno pigmentirana, malenkost se praši. Teksura senčk je svilnto mehka in pudrasta. Paletka vsebuje tudi dvostranski čopič, ki pa ga ne maram preveč. Senčke so zelo lepo zabrišejo in se da ustvarjati z njimi zelo lepe prehode.

S to paletko lahko ustvarimo malenkost bolj svež dnevni make up videz. Jaz uporabim enega izmed svetlejših odtenkom, da zasenčim celotno veko, drugo najsvetlejšo rjavo barvo uporabim, da zasenčim očesno gubo, eden izmed temnejših odtenkov je primeren za zunanji kotiček oči, breskvasti odtenek pa uporabim na notranji polovici veke.
Senčke ostanejo na veki skoraj ves dan, ob uporabi dobrega primerja za veke. Jaz vedno uporabim avonovega, ki je res odličen, ampak vseeno senčke proti koncu dneva malenkost zbledijo.



When I saw this palette in real life I fall in love. It contains susc a cite pink colors, which I adore. I picked up the shade 030 rock`n`rose. In this palette you het one shimmery and one matt blush and one pink toned highlighter.Shimmery blush contains a tiny litter in it, but they are not that noticeable on the face, but it gives a nice glow to the skin.
Matte blush is so perfect for me, beacuse I have a mixed to oily skin and it looks much better on my skin. Both blushes are lovely peachy pink shades.
Both blushes are very nicely pigmented, the color payoff is really good. They are also very blendable and easy to work with. But you must be very careful that you don`t pick a lot of product beacuse is very pigmented and you can quickly look like a clown.

The highlighter is so adorable, it`s a pink toned with tiny glitter in it. I apply it one the highest point of the cheeks, on the nose amd on moy forehead and it looks very nice on the skin and give it a healthy glow.

The lasting power of all shades is great, they stay on the face for a whole day with the help of make up fixer, I`m currently using avon fixing spray.


 Ko sem videla to paletko v živo, je morala biti takoj moja. Vsebuje tako krasne roza odtenke, ki jih tako obožujem. Izbrala sem odtenek 030 rock`n`rose. V paletki dobite svetleče in mat rdečilo ter osvetljevalec, svetleče rdečilo vsebuje drobne bleščice, ki pa na obrazu niso tako opazne, ampak vseeno obrazu podarijo zdrav sijaj.
Mat rdečilo je kot popolno zame, saj imam mešano do mastno kožo in to rdečilo na moji oži nekako izgleda bolje. Obe rdečili sta krasne marelično roza barve, ki je idealna barva za prihajajočo pomlad
Obe rdečili sta odlično pigmentirani in se brez težav zabrisujeta. Prav tako je treba biti pri nanašanju zelo previden, koliko produkta zajamemo, saj lahko kaj hitro izgledamo kot klovn.

Osvetljevalec je božanski! Ima roza podton s majhnimi bleščicami. Nanašam ga na najvišjo točko ličnic, na nos in na čelo.
Obstojnos je zelo dobra, ob uporabi fiksatorja za make up, trenutno uporabljam avonovega.



Cream contouring palette finally arrived in our drugstores, which costs 4,29€. I don`t own any cream conour kit, so this is my first one. It contains two darker shades for creating shadows, two light one and one pearly highlighter.
Plaette is so simple to use, but if you still don`t know how to use you can still look on the picture one the back of the palette, which is very suitable for beginners.
Because is a cream product you must warm it up a little bit for easier application. You can warm it u between your finger or you can use a spatula, which is better for hygienic reasons. 
Palette is nothing special, I got feeling that is using up very quickly and it seems that squares, where shades are in are to small and I thinh that intensity faded when I put on loose powder.
The packaging is very simple, but you can still carry it around with any problem.
One of the lightest shades I`m also using it as a cream concealer, lasting power is not that great, it starts fading very quickly if you don`t use a good make up setting spray.

Tudi naše drogerije so končno dočakale kremno paletko za senčenje, ki stane le 4,29€. Prej nikoli nisem uporabljala kremnih produktov za senčenje, je sedaj ta moj prvi. Vsebuje dva temnejša odtenka za ustvarjanje senc, dva svetlejša odtenka in perlast osvetljevalec.
Paletka je zelo enostavna za uporabo, če pa vseeno še ne veš, ako bi jo uporabljala še vedno lahko pokukaš na zadnjo stran paletko, kjer je zelo nazorno na majhni slikici prikazano, kako se uporablja.
Ker gre za kremni izdelek ga je predhodno treba ogreti med prsti  ali pa s kovinsko spatulo, kar je bolj priporočljivo zaradi higienskih razlogov.
Paletka zme ni nič posebnega, dobila sem občutek da se prehitro porabljo, pa tudi kvadratki, v katerih se nahajajo produkti so premajhni. Pa tudi intenzivnost je malenkost zbledela, ko sem nanesla puder v prahu.
embalaža je zelo enostavna in majhna, da jo še vedno lahko prenašaš naokoli brez kakšnih težav. Najsvetlejši odtenek uporabljam tudi kot kremni korekto, in se odlično obnese. Obstojnost ni najboljša, saj odtenki na obrazu zelo hitro zbledijo, brez pomoči fiksatorja ličil.



I swatched this highlighter in our muller, and it was so nice on my skin so I must bought it right away. The packaging is very simple and nothing special, but it`s still sturdy enough that it won`t break quickly. Sadly, the mirror is not included. But still is very good quality. I apply it with my Makeup revolution gighlighter brush or my real techniques sponge on my sheek bones, on my nose, under my eyebrow arch and on my forehead, 
This way my skin looks very healthy with natural glow.
The gighlighter itself is nicely pigmented, it`s not too much or too little.
You can build it up, if you think that your skin needs an extra shine.
Staying power is also grat, on the end of the day you can still notice a little bit of shine.
For the price of 5,29€ you can buy it in muller, and some other drugstores.


Ta osvetljevalec sem poswatchala v našem mullerju in sem ga nemudoma morala kupiti. Embalaža je zelo enostavna in ni nič posebega, a še vedno dovolj trdna, da se ne bo takoj zlomila.Škoda edino, da ni majgnega ogledalca. Ampak je vseeno zelo dobre kvalitete. Nanašam ga s svojim Makeup Revolution čopičem za osvetljevalec ali pa z mojo real techniques gobico na najvišjo točko ličnic, na nos, pod obrvmi in na del čela.
Na tak način moja koža deluje bolj zdravo in sijoča. Osvetljevalec je zelo dobro pigmentiran, pigmentiranost lahko nadgradiš, če se ti zdi, da ima tvoja koža premalo sijaja.
Obstojnost je zelo dobra, saj lahko na koncu dneva še vedno opaziš droben sijaj na obrazu.
Za 5,29€ ga lahko kupiš v mullerju in ostalih drogerijah.

On the end I can say that all products all worth buying, because they are all good quality and you can use them every day. And you, my dear readers, did you get anything from catrice new  products ? How do you like them? I`ll answer every comment as soon is possible.

Thanks for reading.


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