Hello, lovelies !
I decided that from this post on I will write in both languages, in sloven and also in english to reach more international readers.
So this spring essence and catrice updated their makeup line with some rally interesting pices whic immidiately caught my eye. In this post I will tell something about essence new products, post about catrice new products will be coming soon. So I bought few pieces, like new contouring palette, new mascara and maycara topcoat and blush ball, which seems very nice shade.
Essence contouring palette is packed in a plastic packaging with transparent lid, which is very standard for essence. It looks cheap but it`s sturdy enough so it won`t break quickly. Palette contains a bronzer, a highlighter and a blush. The price was 4,39€ for 14 g.
The bronzer looks very dark at the first sight but it quickly became my favourite in this palette. It`s nicely pigmented and you can easy work with it. The shade is brown with a bit of orange undertone. The shade is also matte, which is perfect for contouring I also don`t like shimmery bronzers. When you blend it in, the orange undertone it`s not that noticeable. Texture is very silky and smooth.
The highlighter is nothing special, it`s beigy matte, quite dusty and with not that great color payoff. I apply it one the nose and on the highest point of the cheeks and it does`t give my skin any shine I expect from highilghter, it slightly mattiifies my skin and thats all.
The blush is pinky shade with lots of glitter. I love this blush because it`s nicely pigmented, the color payoff is medium but it blends nicely into the skin. Its easy to work with and give nice spring freshness to the cheeks.
The next thing that cought my eye is the blush ball which is interessting for me because of it`s shape of ball. With this blush you dont need any blush brush to aplly it, just simply pick up the blush ball and apply it one the cheeks, but you still need a stippling brush to blend it into the skin. I pick up the color 20 strawberry candy which is nice pinky shade with tiny glitter. The color is nice, texture it`s silky and soft, it looks very fresh on the cheeks and its easy to aply especialy when you need to aplly it on the way, you can also blend it into the skin with your fingers but I like stippling brush more. It`s stay on the cheeks quite some time, with the help of good makeup fixer it lasts all day long.
There are two versions of forbidden volume maskara, xou can find forbidden volume and forbidden volume rebel mascara and a forbiden volume mascra topcoat, which i also bought. The maskara packaging is very attractive becuse of red color and the black writing, it looks promising. As I opened the mascara I was a little bit disappointed about the wand, it`s a quite big and plastic and a little bit curvy. The bristles look very strange, like spiders leg.
Formula is quite wet and the acess of the mascara must be wiped of, otherwise they can stick your lashes together. I usually aplly one or two coats to reach great volume on my lashes, but this mascara is not giving my lashes any special volume or length, so I use forbidden volume mascara topcoat over this mascara and it gives an amazing volume and length. So mascara itself in nothing special to me, it gives very natural volume but it stays on my lashes for whole day, in the end of the day I notice a little bit smudging.
Mascara it`s not waterproof but still you can remove it very easy and quickly I usualyy remove it with my balea cleansing oil and everything goes away.
So this was my very first post in english. I can say I love all essence new produstcs, expect from new forbidden volume rebel mascara, which isn`t nothing special to me, it gives my lashes more a natural volume than a dramatic.
So, how do you like my post in english ? Did you get any new product from essence ? How do you like them ? Thank you for all your comments, I will repla them as soon as possible.
Thank you for reading.
Paletko dobite v klasični, plastični in brezbarvni embalaži, ki je značilna za essence. Deluje poceni, vendar je dovolj kompaktna, da se ne bo zlomila takoj, ko pade na tla. Paletka vsebuje bronzer, osveljevalec in rdečilo. Cena paletke 4,39€, dobite pa 14 gramov izdelka
Bronzer zgleda zelo temen na prvi pogled ampak mi je kar hitro prirasel k srcu in postal moj najljbši iz te paletke. Je krasno pigmentiran in se ga da enostavno nanašati. Odtenek je rjav z rahlim oranžkastim podtonom, odtenek je mat, ki je idealen za senčenje obraza. Ko bronzer dobro zabrišete, oranžni podton ni več tako opazen, tekstura je mehka in svilnata.
Osvetljevalec ni nič posebnega, je bež barve in je mat, rahlo se praši in je solidno pigmentiran.Nanesla sem ga na nos in na najvišjo točko ličnic ampak moji koži ni podril svetečega videza, ki ga pričakujem od osvetljevalca. Rahlo matira kožo in to je vse.
Rdečilo je dokaj živo roza barve z veliko manjšimi bleščicami. Zelo rada uporabljam to rdečilo, ker je dobro pigmentirano, v kožo se krasno zabriše. Enostavno se nanaša in doda obrazu nekaj pomladanske svežine.
Naslednja stvar, ki me je pritegnila je bil zagotovo blush ball, ki je zanimiv predvsem zaradi njegove oblike kroglice. Za nanos tega rdečila ne potrebujemo posebnega čopiča za nanašanje rdečila, saj ga le preprosto vzamemo v roke in ga nanesemo ličnimi po želji pa ga lahko zabrišemo s prstim al s stippling čopičem.Izbrala sem odtenek strawberry cand, ki je krasne nežno roza barve z majhnimi bleščicami. Odtenek je krasen, na licih izgleda zelo svežein j enostaven za nanos še posebej ko smo na poti.Na obrazu se obdrži čez cel dan s omočjo dobrega fiksatorja.
Na tržišču sta dve verziji, in sicer forbidden volume in forbidden volume rebel maskara ter topcoat. Sama embalaža je zelo privlačna zaradi živo rdeče barve in črnega napisa, ki vsekakor nekaj obeta. Ko sem maskkaro odprla sem bila rahlo razočarana nad krtačko, saj je zgledala smešno, saj je bila kar velika in nekam smešno ukrivljena, tudi ščetine so smešne obliko, ki dejansko spominjajo na pajkove noge.
Formula je zelo mokra, ostanek maskare je trepa odtsranit prej ko potegenmo krtačko ven, da se trepalnice ne bi zlepile med seboj. Običajno nanesem en ali dva sloja maskare na moje trepalnice, ampak ta maskara mojim trepalnicam ni podarila nobenega posebnega volumna in dolžine, šele ko sem na vrh dodala še topcoat je bilo malenkost več volumna.
Maskara ni vodoodporna in se jo da odstranit zelo hitro in enostavno, običajno jo odstranim z mojim balea čistilnim oljem.
Jooj, meni je tvoja preobleka bloga tako všečna. In prav tako zapis v angleščini, je super pridobitev za blog, saj ti bodo sledili še iz drugih držav. Glede izdelkov pa jooooj ta blush moram imeti, drugo me pa (moram priznati) ne prepriča nekaj preveč. xx
OdgovoriIzbrišijoj hvala ti za vzpodbudne besede, mi veliko pomenijo ! <3 Blush ball je res nekaj posebnega, medtem ko ostalo ni nič posebnega.
IzbrišiMeni je top coat ful super, mi res podaljša trepalnice ful. :) Blush sem ravno včeraj dobila, mi je pa ful luškan in zelo praktičen.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVečji obseg bralcev je vedno super, zato so mešane objave vedno zanimive. Bi te pa opozorila, da sem na začetku našla kar precej napakic pri zapisu besed - dobronamerno mišljeno seveda. :)
J. ♡
Ja blush je res praktičen. Ni problema, sem vedno vesela kritike saj pomeni, da se lahko še izboljšam.