Catrice Victorian Poetry LE

Hello, lovelies !
I`m here again with another beauty post, this time I will talk about catrice victorian poetry limited edition, which you can still find it in our drugstores. Since essence and catrice are releasing a bunch of cute limited editions, I decided to write about my favourite ones, and victorian poetry is so nice and gorgeous, all of the products look they are high end. Since the preview I wanted highlighting pebbles the most, and then I received them as PR material from our lovely team dominur, the package also included darker lipstick. 
So, let`s get started with the review.
New In November 2016

Hello, ladies !
It`s that time of the year we`ve been all waiting for - december. We all love december because everything get sparkly and christmasy decorated. I love when all of the main cities in our country get christmas lights and a big christmas tree. You can smell christmas spirit all over the city and peoples even though the decorations in our stores are available a bit too early for me, but anyway I love winter and christmas decoration in my room, also scented candles are must have for me every year. I can say that december is most magical and special month in the whole year. I just can`t wait to to buy a mulled wine in christmas fairs, so I love the smell od gingerbreadmans. So this year I am going to my very first advent trip to Salzburg next weekend. I cant wait too see their christmas fair and lights.
So let`s return to the main point of this post my new makeup bits Ive bought in previous month. So let`s get started !
Catrice Kaviar Gauche LE

Hello, ladies !

After a long time here is a another review for you. Since there are a lots of limited editions lately I decided to do a review for some most interesting ones. One of them is catrice kaviar gauche, which immidiately stole my heart but anyway I bought only two products. Since I love everything sparkly and shiny I decided to buy a highlighter and eyeshadow palette with gorgeous elegand design.
The limited edition is probably sold out almost everywhere but I found almost full stand and quickly grabbed an eyeshadow palette.
So if you want to know more about this LE just keep on reading.
New In #October 2016

Hello, lovelies !
Another month is over, I can`t believe how time flies and it`s only one month from my second favourite month in the year - december ! I must admit that I don`t like colder and shorter days, but anyway I love drinking hot cocoa in the eveing and watching some great movies. And the best part of decmeber are glittery make up lines. There are december makeup lines and beauty advent calendar everywhere. But this year I decided not to buy any advent calendar, because I wathced a lots of youtube video and none of them got my attention. But I can`t wait for other makeup lines, I can`t wait for essence, catrice, kiko and artdeco christmas line. Kiko holiday collection is already available online.
But before I star buying christmas themed makeup, allow me to show you what I bought in October. So let`s get started.
Golden Rose Slovenia Celebrates their first Birthday

Hello, my dear readers !

I have something special today for you. As you may know I was invited to Golden Rose Slovenia event for beauty bloggers. I was so happy when I received the invitation, because this was my second blogger event for me, and also Golden rose is affoedable cosmetic and makeup brand with lots of good products. Sadly they don`t have their store in Maribor, but youn can buy their products online, on lič Until now I only trid out matte lipsticks and matte lip crayons, few months ago longstay liquid matte lipsticks finally arrived online, so immidiately buy two shades. 
Avon Life Blogger Event + First Impressions!

Hello, ladies !
I`m here again with new blog posts for you. Now it`s time to share my thoughts with you about Avon Life event for blogger and first impressions about the fragrance. I was so happy when I got the invitation, beacause it was something special for. This is very first avon event for bloggers and also this was my first invitation to any event. And so, 21th of sešptember came so quickly, so me and my fellow bloggers decided to take a trip to Ljubljana, more specific to Kavarna Zvezda, Narodna Galerija, where the event was hosted. I first met other bloggers and lovely Bronja, who kindly presented us the new Avon Life fragrance. While watching and listening about Avon history we were also enjoying some delicious treats. There were orange juice, coffee, also champagne and macrons.
New In September 2016

Hello, my lovelies !
I finaly found some time to write new blog post and I`m sorry for that but september was very busy month for me. The weather was nice and warm so I decided to take a trip to slovenian cost at the very beginning of the month to catch very last sunshine. Also I get my very first invitation to blogger event hosted by avon, thanks a lot again. And because is the beginning of the month is also time to show you what new stuff I bought in previous month. So if you are interested in my newbies keep on reading.
New In August 2016

Hello, my lovelies !
And another summer month is sadly over. I spent this summer very well, I visited Vienna and then I was off to seaside with my dear and now is almost autumn. I cant`t wait for long walks in the woods and the weather is also very warm, and it`s that time of year when you can start weraing dark lippies such as wine red which I love. If you take a look into my wardrobe a have a plenty pieces in that wine red colour.
But going back is that time againg on the beginning of the mont to show you my beauty buys in previous months. So let`s get started!
Izlet na Dunaj

Pozdravljene, drage dame!
Vem, že dolgo ni bilo nobene nove objave na blogu, razlog za to pa tiči v tem, da se je kar veliko dogajalo v tem času, pa tudi moja volja in veselje do bloganja sta izginila neznano kam. Sedaj, ko se je veseljo spet v neki meri povrnilo, sem se odločila spet za eno objavo, ki ni v povezavi s kozmetiko in ličili. Ker sva z dragim v začetku julija, natančneje 9.7. obiskala prestolnico naše sosede Avstrije, sem se odločila, da namenim posebno objavo najinemu izletu, nad katerim sem bila zelo navdušena, čeprav so me na koncu že zelo bolele noge, in sem komaj čakala, da se začnemo vračati proti domu.
Review : Essence The Beach House LE

Hello, beauties !
It`s time for another beauty review. This time I will talk about essence the beach house limited edition, which was released in june but I didn`t have time to post a review about this cute limited edition, but still you can find few products in dm drugstores. I really like summer limited edition, because they are all abou bronze, highlight and glow.
If you are interested in what I thought about the limited edition just keep on reading.
New In July 2016

Hello, beauties !
My summer vacation just ended and now I`m back with new ideas for blog posts. When I was on the seaside, I celebrated my first year of blogging. A lot changed in this one year, I didnt now much about blogging and less about taking good photos and I`m still trying to take good photos. 
A lot was happening this month, at the end of june I celebrated my 23th birthday, so me and my boyfriend went shopping in Seiersberg in Austria. I visited primark, kiko and other drugstores.
Ofcourse I spent some money in Primark, what I bought you can see here !

On 9th of july I visited a capital city of Austria, Vienna. There I bought some beauty treats you can`t buy here in Slovenia. I bought few the body shop treats and in Douglas I bought something special.
My Summer Essentials

Hello, beauties !
I have a special post for you today. Because I`m going to the seaside this saturday I prepared a special post about beauty products I`m taking with me. Every year I buy sundance and balea stuff in dm, but this year  I decided to try something from Muller brand called Lavozon. I can`t wait  until saturday, so if you are interessted in what I`ll be taking with me just keep on reading.
My primark&beauty haul

Hello, dolls !
I`m back again with another haul post. At the end of june me and my dear decided to go to Seiersberg in Austria to do some shopping. I spent some money in primark, kiko, bipa and Dm in Gralla. Because primark is very popular clothing shop I decided to write primark and beauty haul. So if you want to see what I bought in primark and other shops just keep on reading.
Ocena :
 Adria Spa losion za telo limonska trava - pomaranča

Lep pozdrav, lepotičke !
Zopet je na vrsti objava v slovenščini, tokrat sem za vas pripravila oceno losiona telo znamke Adria Spa, ki so mi ga velikodušno poslali v test že nekaj časa nazaj in sedaj je pravi čas, da z vami delim moje mnenje o tem losionu.
Torej, če vas zanima, kako se je losion odrezal pri meni pa le pozorno berite naprej.
New In #June 2016

Hello, beauties !
I`m here again with my new in post, like every month. I bought very interesting stuff this month, also few things to take with to the seaside. If you want to know, what`s new in my make up bag just keep on reading.
Review : Essence The Glow Must Go On palette

Hello, beauties !
I`m here with another post about essence products. Do you love their products and limited editions like I do ? Then this post is just perfect for you, because I˛ll be talking about the bronzing&highlighting palette from their newest limited edition called bloggers beauty secrets. In this limited edition you can find four diferent palettes, four difrent nail polishes and a cosmetic bag. The glow must go on immidiately caught my eye, so I order it from click2chic.
So let`s get strated with a review.
Ocena : Herbio Hidrolat Vrtnice&jojobino olje

Pozdravljene, lepotičke !
Zopet je na vrsti nova ocena, tokrat dveh negovalnih izdelkov za nego kože obraza. Pri podjetju Herbio so mi prijazno ponudili možnost testiranja hidrolata vrtnice in jojobinega olja. Zame so olja postala nepogrešljiv del jutranje in večerne nege obraza vsekakor tudi poleti. 
Če vas zanima moje mnenje o obeh izdelkih pa le pozorno berite naprej!
Ocena : LaBri - Vilinska Lepota

Pozdravljene, lepotičke !
Tokrat je zopet na vrsti objava v slovenščini, tokrat sem testirala novo slovensko butično kozmetiko, ki se imenuje LaBri. Več o sami znamki in kdo jo ustvarja, si lahko preberete na njihovi spletni strani tukaj ! Sama se še enkrat zahvaljujem čudoviti gospe Brigiti, ki mi je prijazno in velikodušno v test poslala cvetlično čistilno mleko, losjon za telo in vse vzorčke njihovih krem za obraz.
Če vas zanima, kako so se izdelki odrezali pa le pozorno berite naprej!
Review : Oriflame Essense&Co Lemon&verbena line

Hello, beauties !
I`m back with another blog post, this time I will talk about oriflame essense&co body line with the smell of lemon&verbena. The whole body line contains body wash, liquid hand soap and hand&body lotion. I won this amazing price a while ago on instagram, so I`m testing it out for about two months and now I can share my opinion about these products right now. 
So if you want to know if they are worth buying just keep on reading.
Essence Juice It! LE

Hello, beauties !
Did you noticed the newest essence limited edition called juice it! in our drugstores ? If you didn`t you definetly must check out this cute friut themed limited edition. All products have such a cute packaging as always and few things got a place in my make up collection. 
If you want to know, how did the LE impress me just keep on reading.
New in May 2016

Hello, beauties !
Another month passed away and summer is around corner so I want to share with you what products I bought and received in may.
So if you want to know what exciting new products I get this month, just keep on reading!    
Review : Japan Candy Box April 2016

Hello, beauties !
After a sunny weekend I`m back again with very sweet post. This time I`m reviewing a april`s japan candy box. This was my very first box eevr and i must say I was very satisfied with the content. I really liked almost every candy, except one. To find out what candy I didnt like just keep on reading.
Lidl Kozmetika Cien

Pozdravljene, lepotičke !
Tokrat je zopet na vrsti objava v slovenščini, tokrat bo govora o lidlovi kozmetiki Cien.
Nekaj časa nazaj, sem prejela njihov mail za možnost skupnega sodelovanja. Seveda sem se takoj strinjala in pričakovala sem mogoče dva ali tri izdelke ta testirat, ampak ko sem prejela paketek sem ostala brez besed, prejela sem namreč celotno linijo pudrov, lip glosov in lakcev, tako sem zdaj pripravljena na prihajajoče poletje.
Pdjetju Lidl se še enkrat iskreno zahvaljujem za ponujeno možnost sodelovanja in krasen paketek !
Review : Essence Little Eyebrow Monsters

Hello, beauties !
I`m back again with another review of one of the newest essence limited edition which is still available in our drugstores. I`ll be talking about limited edition which is meant for caring and shaping your eyebrow. In this limited edition you can find everything for your eyebrows, from tweezers and cute stencils and eyebrow treatment. So let`s atart with review.
Kawaii Box April 2016

Hello, beauties !
Long time, no see ! Sorry for that but I was very busy but now I`m back with non beauty review. In april I discovered cute box, filled with cute kawaii stuff so I immidiately order april`s box and when it came on my doorstep I was so exited. So in this post I will show you, what was hiding in april`s kawaii box.
Adria Spa pena za tuširanje sivka oliva

Adria Spa v svoji zanimivi in pestri ponudbi ponuja tudi pene za tuširanje, od katerih so na tržišču trije novi vonji. Še enkrat se podjetju Adria Spa iskreno zahvaljujem za možnost testiranje nove pene za tuširanje z vonjem sivke in olive v priročni potovalni embalaži.
Če vas zanima, kako mi je pena všeč pa le pozorno berite naprej.  
What I loved in April

Hello, beauties !
I decides to start with new monthly series - my monthly favourites. Those who read me often know thai I post about my newbies at the beginning of every month.
So I will choose up to ten products that I love to use past month and write a mini review about them,
So here are my first monthly favourites - April favourites !
Pink Beauty - Collaboration with Brownimalist

Hello, beauties !
Here is another collaboration post, this time with lovely Valentina from Brownimalist. if you don`t know her yet go check her facebook page and her blog because she recently changed the name and the whole look of the blog. She writes amazing post with awsome photos so you must definetly check her blog. 
So we decided to do a collaboration post about beauty products with pink packaging, so we look for pink stuff we own and write a post with short review of them.
So if you want to know ehich one I own, keep on reading.
New In : April 2016

Hello, beauties !
Another month passed and I`m writing again a post about my new beauty products I bought last month. Surprising this month was very good one, I got noticed by two brands, which offered me a collaboration and I agree with them and so few days later two lovely packages suprised me. Also this month was very popular new limited edition lights of orient by essence, so I grabbed a few things ----->> You can read a review Here !
Keep on reading, if you want to know what I also bought this month.
Review : Essence Lights of Orient LE

Hello, beauties !
On this lazy and rainy thursdays afternoon I decided to write another post, this time i will talk about the very popular essence limited edition called lights of orient. Since I saw the preview I immidiately know this will be one the nicest limited editions this year. So I wrote shopping list right away and I was lucky to get everything I wanted. All the products are very good quality, also the packaging of all products are stunning, so simple and very attractive. 
So if you know more about how these products impressed me, just keep on reading!
My Top 5 Spring Beauty Picks - Collaboration with UniqaPoly !

Hello, beauties ! 
This post it`s a bit diffrent! It`s collaboration post with fellow blogger , whom you probably already know - lovely Polona from UniqaPoly ! If you don`t know her already, you can check her blog and her facebook page. I follow her blog almost three years now, and still she is one of my favourite bloggers, because she writes an amazing posts with lots of details which are great when you are buying new products, also her pictures are awsome.
In this post I will be talking about five favourite spring beauty picks. I will show to you what I use this year. So if you want to know more about my favourite spring picks just keep on reading.
Review : Avon Treasures of the Desert

Hello, lovelies !
I`m heere again with another post about avon products. If you don`t know, I really like avon products because of the affordable prices and products with great quality. I love avon perfumes the most, because they smell amazing, I own many their perfumes, but my favourite remains little black dress which is a classic. I also love their planet spa and naturals range. Today I`ll be reviewing planet spa treasures of the desert line. If you want to know more about this range, keep on reading.
Dobrote Dvorca Trebnik

Pozdravljene, lepotičke!
Zopet imam za vas pripravljeno objavo, tokrat bom govorila o lepotnih sladkorčkih dvorca Trebnik, ki je ena meni najljubših slovenkih znamk negovalne kozmetike, čeprav sem se z njihovimi izdelki pobližje spoznala šele lansko leto, ampak so mi izdelki z super luštno embalažo takoj prirasli k srcu.
Še ena prednost njihovih izdelkov je, da so vse sestavine naravnega izvora in so bogata z rastlinskimi izvlečki in naravnimi olji, prav tako so izdelki brez parabenov, gensko spremenjenih organizmov in brez barvil.
V tej objavi bom ocenila arganovo mazilo, masažno olje vanilija in gel za tuširanje z vonjem pomaranče.
Adria Spa Karitejevo Maslo

Pozdravljene, lepotičke !
Ta teden začenjam z novo objavo, ki je tokrat namenjena karitejevemu maslu znamke Adria Spa, ki se še jim enkrat iz srca zahvaljujem za poslan izdelek in predvsem za možnost testiranja izdelka.

Najprej nekaj podrobnosti o karitejevem maslu. To maslo vsebuje 50% čistega karitejevega masla. Pravo razmerje nasičenih in nenasičenih maščobnih kislin ustvarja na koži film, ki preprečuje izgubljanje vlage, ter ščiti kožo pred zunanjimi vplivi. Dobro prodira v plasti kože, jo regenerira in preprečuje nastanke strij v nosečnosti. Koža bo globinsko nahranjena, mehka na dotik.
New in : #March 2016

Hello, beauties !
How time flies, it`s 1st april today so it`s that time again when I write a post about what I bought in past month. It was lot of new stuff everywhere, lovely team dominur offered  me a chance to buy a few thing from their upcoming limited edition Lights of orient and I was so happy when I got these items, the packaging are so gorgeous in real life, also DM offered this month a lot of coupons for decorative cosmetics this month and I used some of the coupons to added something new to my make up collection, I also received lovely surprise package for international women`s day from avon and so many more amazing stuff. If you want to know more about what I bought this month keep on reading.
Review : Catrice new products spring/summer 2016

Hello, beauties !
The easter is over, so finally the time for a new post about catrice new products. Catrice also launched very interesting new products this spring, so I bought few pieces like new eyeshadow palette, new blush palette, new highlighter and new cream contouring palette. 
My blog post about essence new products is also available HERE !
Review : Essence spring/summer 2016 update


Hello, lovelies !
I decided that from this post on I will write in both languages, in sloven and also in english to reach more international readers.
So this spring essence and catrice updated their makeup line with some rally interesting pices whic immidiately caught my eye. In this post I will tell something about essence new products, post about catrice new products will be coming soon. So I bought few pieces, like new contouring palette, new mascara and maycara topcoat and blush ball, which seems very nice shade.
Ocena : Essence Wake Up Spring LE

Pozdravljene lepotičke !
Ponovno imam za vas pripravljeno oceno, tokrat bom govorila o posebni essence omejeni kolekciji s katero se poslavljamo od zime in pozdravljamo prihod pomladi. Z izdelki iz te koloekcije lahko poustavarimo čudovit pomladnih look v barvah marelične, roza, barve sivke in mint. Jaz sem si iz te kolekcije privoščila samo tri stvari, čeprav je bila celotna kolekcija veliko bogatejša.
Če vas zanima, kako so se obnesli posamezni izdelki pa le berite naprej.
Ocena : Herbio zeliščna krema za uravnoteženost kože

Pozdravljene, lepotičke !
Zopet imam za vas oceno, in sicer tokrat o zeliščni kremi za uravnoteženost kože slovenske znamke Herbio.

Ste že slišali za znamko Herbio?
Gre za slovensko znamko, ki je narejena na zeliščni osnovi in v celoti izdelana v EU, prav tako izdelki niso testirani na živalih kar je še en velik plus. 
Review : Oriflame Giordani Gold četverec senčil za oči
Divine Brown

Pozdravljene, lepotičke !
Že kar nekaj časa nazaj me je v katalogu oriflame v nakup prepričal ta čudovit četverec senčil za oči v toplih rjavih tonih, na voljo pa so bila še v sivih in vijoličastih tonih. Čeprav sem na to senčilo kar nekako pozabila, sem ga pred kratkim ko sem delala čistko v moji make up škatli, zopet privlekla na plano in se še enkrat navdušila nad tem senčilo, katerega v zadnjem času kar pridno uporabljam, saj je priročne velikosti, tudi sama kvaliteta senčk je zelo dobra.
Če vas zanima podrobnejša ocena pa le pozorno berite naprej.
Predogled : Catrice Zensibility LE

Čas za zen. Čas za zavestno življenje. Osredotočanje na pomembne stvari. Zen je nepogrešljiv del današnjega hitro spreminjajočega se sveta in izpolnjuje željo po miru in harmoniji v vsakdanjem življenju. Ta odnos do življenja se odraža tudi v modi prihajajoče sezone, ki vključujem kolekcije z originalnim origami videzom. Preprosta eleganca, barve, ki oddajajo mirnost in moč, ki se kaže v krojih kimona in nežno padajoče tkanine s cvetličnimi potiski. Z novo omejeno kolekcijo Zensibility iz Catrice se svet lepote potaplja v miren zen svet. Lepotni prosukti v hladnih sivih in roza tonih, sveže svetlo modrih kot tudi v močno rdečih zagotavljajo popolno skladje z na na novo interpretiranim lookom. Posebnost kolekcije so šminke na dolgem ročaju v mat rdečem odtenku, laki za nohte v ekstravagantni embalaži in elegantna kozmetična torbica z zanimivim zapiranjem.
ZENsational ... iz Catrice.
Predogled : Catrice Denim Divine LE

Jeans - živa modna legenda. Od robustnih delavskih hlač 19. stoletja do današnjega univerzalnega videza. Jeans se je dosledno prilagajal sodobnim gibanjem zadnjih 50 let in je zato postal eden izmed družbenih must-have kosov. Nobena druga tkanina ni tako raznolika in nobene druge tkanine oblikovalci ne uporabljajo tako pogosto kot prav jeans. Fotografije iz modnih brvi poletnih kolekcij potrjujejo, da so pajac, ozke jeans obleke v kombinaciji z ostalim jeansom trend te sezone. Nova omejena kolekcija Denim Divine iz Catrice dopolni ta look z ujemajočimi se lepotnimi izdelki.Poletni  lepotni odtenki v v elegantni zlato-roza embalaži ponujajo privlačne bronzing izdelke kot tudi širok izbor ostalih odtenkov od polnočno modre do svetlo nude in rjavih odtenkov, ter močnih sveže rdečih in koralnih nians. Absolutna lepotica te kolekcije je paleta senčil s šestimi senčili in bronzerjem v edinstveni jeans strukturi.
Denim Love - iz Catrice.
New In #Februar 2016

Lep pozdrav !
Ponovno je čas za objavo o novih mesečnih pridobitvah, ki so jih ta mesec zaznamovale predvsem essence in catrice novosti, ki so ta mesec prišle na prodajne poličke, prav tako je bilo vse v znamenju valentinovega, kar pomeni ogromno omejenih kolekcij v rdeči in roza barvi.
Če vas še bolj podrobno zanima, kaj sem ta mesec nakupovala pa le pozorno berite naprej.
Kozmetika Vipera

Lep pozdrav ! 
Danes bo govora o poljski znamki kozmetike Vipera, ki sem jo z radovednostjo preizkušala že od konca decembra naprej, ko sem si od znane slovenske blogerke Lane Špital ogledala super video, kjer je bila tudi ona navdušena nad njihovimi ličili. Prav zaradi tega pa se nisem mogla več upret in sem si preko spletne strani naročila spider maskaro, tekoči korektor in fotokromatski puder.
Catrice Graphic Grace LE

Lep pozdrav !
Tokrat sem za vas pripravila kratko objavo o prvi letošnji omejeni kolekciji Graphic Grace iz catrice, kjer prevladujejo svetle barve in grafični vzorci. Prav tako se zahvaljujem podjetju Catrice, ki mi je velikodušno poslalo v test paletko senčil in svinčnik za obrvi, ki sem ga zadnje mesece pridno testirala. Verjetno veste, da se, bila zmeraj navdušena nad znamko catrice, predvsem obožujem njihove pudre in korektorje, šminke in paletke senčil.

Essence Valentine ? Who cares! LE

Lep pozdrav !
Tokratna objava je namenjena essence valentinovi kolekciji valentine? who cares!, ki ima to leto malenkost drugačno temo. Medtem, ko ostale kozmetične hiše lansirajo na trg ogromno valentinovih kolekcij v rdeči in rožnati barvi ter ljubkih embalažah. so pri essence izpostavili ljubezen do prijateljice.
To kolekcijo sestavljajo sama super ličila, podjetju Essence se še enkrat prijazno zahvaljujem za poslane izdelke, ki sem jih z veseljem testirala, sama pa sem vsekakor morala dokupiti še par ličil, ki so mi takoj padla v oči.
Če vas zani8ma podrobna ocena kolekcije, pa le pozorno berite naprej.

Jagodna Poslastica s Kozmetiko Afrodito

Lep pozdrav !

Ni skrivnost, da Kozmetika Afrodita vsako leto preseneča z novimi slastnimi izdelki, po katerih redno posežem. Lansko leto sta me najbolj navdušila oljni gel za prhanje in mleko za telo mystic argan, pa tudi novi kremni tuš geli so bili prava poslastica pd tušem, od katerih sem sprobala samo tistega s pomarančo in vanilijo, medtem ko me njihova opevana marmelada sploh ni navdušila.
Essence Wake Up Spring LE

Nasvidenje zima, pozdravljena pomlad ! Občuti prve žarke toplega sonca na obrazu in ponovno uživaj v naravi, ki se prebuja. Od zdaj naprej so šali in kape spet v omarah, saj essence pozdravlja pomlad z novo trend kolekcijo wake up spring ! Pastelna barva shema vključuje marelične, roza, vijolične in mint zelene odtenke in dizajn izdelkov prepriča s pomladnimi cvetličnimi elementi. Najboljši izdelki te kolekcije so rdečilo za lica z vgrajenim ogledalom, majhen čopič za rdečilo in set lakov za nohte, ki vsebuje podlak in dva svetla odtenka laka za čudovite nohte.
Končno pomlad .... z essence !
New In #Januar 2016

Lep pozdrav !
Po kratkem premoru je ponovno čas za novo new in objavo, kjer vam bom pokazala moje nove pridobitve meseca januarja, kjer sem večinoma nakupovala v dm in mullerju, nekaj pa sem tudi naročila preko spleta.
Če vas zanima, kaj vse sem nakupila ta mesec pa le pozorno berite naprej.
Catrice & Essence izdelki pomlad/poletje - wish list

Pomlad se nezadržno bliža, kar pomeni da bosta eni izmed mojih najljubših znamk ličil na trg poslali nove produkte za pomlad in poletje 2016. Vedno komaj čakam pomlad in poletje, saj me vedno zanima, kaj je novega v naših drogerijah. V tej objavi sem sestavila svojo listo želja prihajajočih ličil essence in catrice, ki so me najbolj pritegnili.

I Heart Makeup Salted Caramel in Pink Fizz

Lep pozdrav !
Že kar nekaj časa nazaj sem preko uradne spletne strani Makeup Revolution naročila popolnoma novi paletk iz družine i heart chocolate. Moram priznati, da sta bili to moji prvi dve paletki iz linije I heart chocolate, a sem nato hitro naročila še nude chocolate paletko, nad katero sem prav tako navdušena.